Cash handling can generate a variety of security risk. If you make use of your employees to go to the bank and secure your money would only bring you worries about your employees and your cash security.

Australian Security and Protection security team is licenced and qualified to provide the security services that works for cash collection and banking needs of companies within the city. Thus, giving you cash management solutions which are carefully designed to help you and your company mitigate the risk of cash handling.

Why choose ASAP for your Cash in Transit?

Cash in Transit Security Officers

ASAP Cash in Transit security officers and guards are fully trained and highly experienced to secure your funds and minimise exposure to robbery and other risks. Our cash in transit officers are expert to provide appropriate operating procedures to protect your assets and assure safety to those staffs involved in your cash transportation process.

We also provide armed and unarmed officers depends on what you require to maintain strict processes and make sure that you can trace your cash at any stage across all cash transfers. We are proud that we have a perfect safety record which means that we are proven to give a complete peace of mind to clients that their cash are taken care by professional security officers who are reliable to transport the money at the bank on time as always.

Cash in Transit Vehicles

No need to worry now about moving in and out your cash because ASAP Cash in Transit vehicles are specialised in accordance with the safety and security risk of a cash transfer. We only provide security vehicles that are mechanically sound during cash in transit operations so the safety of the officers, personnel or consultant inside is ensured.

ASAP provide cash in transit armored and unarmored vehicles which take into consideration safety features. Unarmored vehicles are used for covert cash transportation wherein security officers are in plain clothes and unarmed. On the other hand, if required, we can provide you cash in transit armored vehicles that you can use for overt cast transportation coupled with armed and uniformed security officers.

Whether you need a prompt one off or a regular cash in transit security service, Australian Security and Protection can provide you a professional security team who are dedicated to work with your security needs and requirements.

You need Australian Security and Protection when you need a mobile security patrol with experienced mobile patrol security officers that fit the needs of your industry and your security requirements. We can discuss what we can do for you because your security and protection are our priority!

Why Choose Us

100% Australian owned and operated

Perfect Safety Record

Licenced to operate in different states

Quality Assured to ISO9001

Certified for WHS and Environmental Management

Service Level satisfaction guarantees price match

We have branches in your state/city

We work with integrity, transparency, and respect

Master License

(SYD) 000 102 501 (QLD) 404 73 75 (WA) SA5 43 81 (TAS) 212 85
(ACT) 175 02 43 (VIC) 882 642 72S (SA) ISL 276637
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